RISE is a student-led organization, started in August 2020, that strives to educate people on the impact human trafficking and sexual crimes can take on victims and the community it is prevalent in. Human trafficking and sex crimes are a very present issue in our daily lives and will continue to be without a chance. They are both devastating problems that are prevalent all over the world, however, many people are unaware of the impact they create on victims and the communities they are present in. We want to educate people about the statistics, warning signs, and help people speak out about their experiences. Human trafficking and sexual crimes are devastating problems that are prevalent all over the world, however, many people are unaware of the impact they create on victims and the communities they are present in.
Human trafficking is defined as the action or practice of illegally transporting people from one country or area to another, typically for the purposes of forced labor or sexual exploitation. Sex crimes, such as rape, also leave a deep scar on the victim especially because most rapists are present in the victim’s everyday life. We want to educate people about the statistics, warning signs, and help people speak out about their experiences. Our goals for making this impact are to send care packages to victims/to larger organizations so they can distribute them, to help victims speak out on their experiences to punish the perpetrator and help them return to a fairly normal life, educating people to help them avoid these situations and protect themselves in case of an unfortunate situation where they are trapped in something similar, and hosting fundraisers to make donations and fund ourselves to expand RISE and make it more impactful.
You can check out our website at officialrise.org!